domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Natural Resources

Natural resources

Biology has different applications and interrelationships with Earth Sciences. One of these applications is the study of natural resources; ecology is the study of the ecosystems and the relationship between living organisms and their environment. The meaning of natural resources is based on this; resources provided by nature that humans can use for different aspects. The natural resources are subdivided into two groups: renewable natural resources and nonrenewable natural resources. The majority of the energetic resources need the natural resources for their optimum performance; also other human use depends on these resources of nature.

Renewable natural resources are that they renew their selves at a faster rate or equal than the rate of consumption. These resources include perpetually sustainable resources that never run out. There are many sustainable resources that human beings utilize during their daily life and as resources that are perpetually renewable. Solar energy, wind power, hydroelectricity, tidal power, bio energy from biomasses and geothermal power are examples of renewable resources. Each one of these generates electricity to the population; solar energy are taken by photovoltaic cells, wind power is acquired by eolic turbines, and hydroelectric takes advantage of the force of water that go through a reservoir. Renewable resources are those that naturally replenish themselves at as sustainable rate; some of these are oils from plants, natural gasses, water, oxygen, alcohol. Renewal commodities are the items that are depleted but can be carefully regulated and replaced to make them sustainable; for example, meat from animals, fruit, vegetables, paper and ground water are some of renewal commodities, necessary to humans.

On the other hand, we have the nonrenewable natural resources that consist in the energy sources that we use and consume faster than nature produces them. Resources like fossil fuels (that take centuries to form naturally) and crude oil (that take millions of years to form) are not infinite and will cease to exist. There are four principal nonrenewable energy sources: oil and petroleum products, coal, natural gas and uranium. These natural sources are formed from geological and evolutionary processes that take long time to originate. Metals and minerals are also nonrenewable resources for example: gold, copper, aluminum, silver, lithium, diamond; and once these materials are mined, they cannot be replaced at a sustainable rate. All of these have different uses and the people utilize it every day; gasoline, a petroleum products, are used to move our cars, petroleum is also used to produce electricity; many products like plastic come from derivate of petroleum; coal, uranium and natural gas are used to produce energy; almost all products contain at least one metal or mineral that takes years to occur again.

Overexploitation of natural resources can create many ecological and social problems. The contamination of these resources also generates some critical situations that produce damage to the environment and people. Moreover the use and production of some nonrenewal sources such as petroleum and coils generate large quantities of pollution to environment, specifically to air and water. For this reason, using responsibly and carefully the renewal nature resources is a great option to decrease the quantity of contaminants present in the environment as they are clean energy sources. Also diminish the high consume can reduce exploitation of all of these sources. Another great practice to keep the natural resources is recycling, process whereby many products are reused and it reduces the amount of trash that is sent to landfills. Each person can make some activities like walking or driving less to reduce the fuel and therefore diminish the pollution that is a menace to the natural resources, the same that we use every day to survive. In this way, we can maintain the environment clean and have a better performance from the natural resources. 

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